EFFECT Knob Settings 10

Pedal Stereo Delay

A Stereo Delay effect for which the feedback level is controlled by the expression pedal.


An echo for which higher values indicate a wetter signal and lower values indicate a drier signal.

Pedal Echo

An echo for which the wet/dry mix is controlled by the expression pedal.

Hall Reverb

Simulates the effect of sound waves bouncing off of the walls of a concert hall. Higher values indicate a wetter mix.

Pedal Hall Reverb

A Hall Reverb effect for which the wet/dry mix is controlled by the expression pedal.

Room Reverb

Simulates the effect of sound waves bouncing off of the walls of a room. Higher values indicate a wetter mix.

Pedal Room Reverb

A Room Reverb effect for which the wet/dry mix is controlled by the expression pedal.

Reverse Reverb

Creates a backwards-playing reverb that you hear immediately before you hear the original signal, instead of after it. Higher values indicate a wetter mix.

Pedal Reverse Reverb

A Reverse Reverb effect with its wet/dry mix controlled by the expression pedal.

Plate Reverb

Recreates the classic “plate reverb” sound achieved by using a metal plate. Higher values indicate a wetter mix.

Pedal Plate Reverb

A Plate Reverb effect with its wet/dry mix controlled by the expression pedal.