With the gain set too high, you may experience false, or double triggering. A properly adjusted gain setting will allow the highest dynamic range for the pad being used.
Nofe: For more detailed information and examples, regarding the functions of these individual parameters, please refer to Chapter 5 of the D4 Reference Manual.
When triggering from pads always follow these5 basic steps:
1. Plugio a!! of thetriggersyouwill beusing.
. Plug all of the triggers you will be using into the rear panel jacks. Since the triggers are interactive, the D4 needs to "see"
all of the signals simultaneously.
. Use the following guide for your trigger inputs. The trigger default note numbers correspond to these drum sounds.
1. Hat | 7. Ride Cymbal |
2. Bassdrum | 8. Crash Cymbal 1 |
3. Snare | 9. CrashCymbal 2 |
4. Toml | 10. Conga |
5. Tom2 | 11. Hi Timbale |
5. Tom3 | 12. Hi Agogo |
Nofe: Drum sets 17 &18 use a different set of default note numbers. The trigger default note numbers for all pre set drum sets can be found in the D4 Factory Drumset ReferenceChart.
Turn the note chase feature off.
oDo this by pressing the note chasebutton on the front panel so that the LED is off. Note chaseis a feature that
automatically displays the data of the most recently struck pad, enabling you to easily "move" around the kit for editing
purposes. Flowever, the active trigger should always be selectedmanually since other unadjusted inputs could "fire" simultaneously during editing resulting in confusion on the display.
Note; The note chaseLED also functions as a signal indicator and will flash when a trigger is generated.