3. Next, manually select a trigger to ediL
. Press the Ext Trig button once to enter the page showing the editable parameters for the TRIG number, VCURVE selection, and MIDI note assignment. The cursor will appear under the trigger number field.
. Use the Data wheel to select the trigger you wish to edit.
4. Select the velocity cunte.
r Move the cursor under the VCURVE field.
oChoose the sensitivity value which bests suits the style of play, or the pads being used. For average play, (hits ranging from very soft to very hard) the default setting of 4 will give you the full range of sensitivity which corresponds to MIDI velocities 1 through 127.
Nofe: VCURVE 0, Unassigned, is fully explained in the D4 Owners Manual.
5. Choose the MIDI note number.
Note: The default trigger note numbers in the D4 correspond to General MIDI, so in many casesit may not be necessary to change the assignments. These default settings can be found in the Factory Drumset ReferenceGuide included with your D4 literature.
If you choose to make changes:
. Move the cursor under the NOTE field and select the desired MIDI note number.
5. Adiust the GAIN for the selected higger.
Pressthe Ext Trig button twice to get to the page showing the trigger number and GAIN editing parameters.
Move the cursor under the gain field and strike the pad. Now the lower LCD line will urn into a
o Adjust the gain by gradually turning the Data wheel until a