deleting. By selecting CANCEL, the phone returns to the Call Log.
●Storing the CID information displayed into the Phone Book by pressing the PROG key. Before the name
and number is transferred to the Phone Book, you can edit the number and name. The phone returns to Call
Log review.
Note: CID information without a valid phone number cannot be transferred to Phone Book memory.
●Exit the Call Log review by pressing the CANCEL key.
Two info messages are displayed together with the Caller ID data:
●‘NEW’ icon on the right hand side of the top line indicates that the call has not previously been reviewed.
The ‘NEW’ icon is cleared when scrolling to the next entry or when leaving the Call Log. The maximum
length of the name shown in the second line is 16 characters. If the name is longer, it is right truncated.
●A number in the right hand side of the third line shows the call log number - 1 is the first (oldest) received
call. The maximum length of the number shown in the third line is 16 characters. If the number is longer, it is
left truncated.
The incoming calls are sorted by the order of arrival; the latest is shown first. A number is only contained once
in the list. A new call from a caller that is already contained in the log removes the old entry and inserts the
new call. All calls with a blocked number are stored as individual calls. Your Handset stores 20 records.
If the call log is full, the oldest entry is deleted to make room for the new call. If the call log is empty when the
user tries to enter to Call Log review, a message ‘CALL LOG EMPTY’ is displayed and the phone returns to
the main menu after 5 sec.
It is possible to change the number format in the call log before storing the name/number in the Phone book or
dialing the caller. Pressing the REDIAL key toggles the number format. The available number formats
depend on the received number. The table below shows the possible selections and the order as a function of
the incoming number format. The number format is changed by truncating or by adding the digits as
described in the table 1.1.
Incoming format Dialable/storable formats and selection sequence
11 1xxx-yyy-yyyy xxx-yyy-yyyy 1-yyy-yyyy yyy-yyyy
10 xxx-yyy-yyyy 1-yyy-yyyy yyy-yyyy 1xxx-yyy-
8 1-yyy-yyyy yyy-yyyy
yyy-yyyy 1-yyy-yyyy
Table 1.1 Number format selection.
yyy-yyyy: basic number
xxx: area code
Phone Book
●You can store up to 50 Phone book entries, which includes names and phone numbers.
●The Phone book entries are sorted and presented in alphabetical order.
●It is possible to abort an initiated Phone book operation by double-clicking the Talk/End key.
Names are entered using the numerical keys. Characters are generated by multiple key presses (see the table
below). The cursor moves to the next position if another numerical key is pressed or by pressing the ▲ key.