90 L I M I T E D


We warrantee this product to the original purchaser to be free from defects in material and workmanship, under normal conditions, for a period of 90 days from date of original purchase.

We agree, at its option during the warranty period, to repair any defect in material or workmanship or to furnish an equal product in exchange without charge. Such repair or replacement is subject to verification of the defect or malfunction and proof of purchase as confirmed by a copy of an original dated sales receipt.

To obtain service, return the unit insured and freight PREPAID to:




Pack the unit in a well-padded, sturdy carton.

Enclose a copy of your sales receipt to verify the date of purchase.

Include your name, address and phone number.

We will elect to repair or replace properly warrantied product free of charge (including free return transportation).

NOTE: This warranty does not cover any product which has been subject to damage due to an act of God, misuse, neglect, accident, abuse, commercial use, or modification of, or to, any part of the product, including the antenna. Damage to external media such as DVD, CD, LP, tape and/or memory devices are not covered nor is the cost incurred in shipping the unit for warranty repair. Under no circumstances shall we be liable for any loss (direct, indirect, incidental, foreseen, unforeseen, special or consequential) or for any damage arising out of, or in connection with, the use of this product.

This warranty does not cover damage due to improper operation or maintenance, connection to improper voltage supply, or attempted repair by anyone other than us in, St. Louis, MO.

This warranty does not cover re-manufactured units, product sold AS IS or closeout product.

This warranty is valid only in the United States and grants specific legal rights. You may also have other rights which vary from state to state.

NOTE: For products that contain internal memory for storage of music, data, etc., the amount of memory your operating system reports may vary from the stated memory of this device.

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Alienware CE-IV manual Warranty, Consumer Service Carr STREET, ST. LOUIS, MO