To Enable or Change Password Settings
Click 1. Star t → All Programs → AlienRespawn v2.0.
Click the icon labeled 2. Respawn Settings.
e 3. Respawn Settings application will launch.
If you are enabling password protection for the rst time, enter the •
default password, “alienware” (case-sensitive), in the appropriate eld,
then click Submit.
If you have already dened a password, enter your current password in •
the appropriate eld, then click Submit.
To change your password, enter the new password in both elds in the 4.
Change Password section, then click Apply.
To enable or disable password protection, select the check box labeled 5.
Enable Respawn Password Protection, then click Apply.
When password protection is enabled, you will be prompted to enter the 6.
password after pressing <F10> to run AlienRespawn v2.0 as described in
“Using AlienRespawn™ v2.0” on page 62.
AlienRespawn v2.0 DiscIf you ordered the optional AlienRespawn v2.0 disc, you wil l receive it along with
your computer. is disc will allow you to re-deploy AlienRespawn v2.0 to a new
hard drive in the event of a hard drive failure.
To Use the AlienRespawn v2.0 Disc
NOTE: e Alienware recovery system is set up to boot from your CD-ROM
drive. You can verify through the Boot Menu hotkey (see “Boot Menu” on
page 38) that your computer is set to boot from the optical drive.
Insert the AlienRespawn v2.0 disc into your optical drive. 1.
Turn on your computer (if the system is currently in Windows, restart).2.
Your computer will automatically boot into AlienRespawn v2.0 environment.3.
If no recovery partition is detected on your system, AlienRespawn v2.0 •
will proceed directly to the Complete Recovery option, restoring your
system to its factory-shipped state.
If an existing AlienRespawn v2.0 recovery partition is detected, you will •
be prompted to choose to run the recovery process from either the hard
drive or from the disc. Running from the hard drive is recommended;
however, if this fails, running from the disc may resolve the problem.
Whichever you choose, the recovery options will be the same as those
described in this section.