This procedure is normally necessary when replacing either the basket or the spider assembly on any dryer. The alignment of these two parts is crucial in assuring a true running basket.
A.Align the basket as per instructions on the previous page .
B.Rotate the basket to determine where the most
C.Mark this position and the nearest rib to this position. If it is between two ribs, both ribs may need to be shimmed.
D.Remove the basket from the dryer (do not loosen the alignment bolts).
E.With the basket on the floor (spider up), loosen the cap screws and tie rod nuts enough to insert one or two shims between the spider leg and the basket at the marked position. With shims in place, tighten the screws and nuts.
F.Install spider and basket assembly and check again.
G.If basket is still
H. When shimming is completed,
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