40 AR700 Series Router
C613-03087-00 Rev E
Figure 13: Example output from the show flash physical command for an AT-AR750S
Lastly, the Flash File System (FFS) can be checked to ensure that it has
successfully formatted the flash, using the command:
show file
If flash memory has been used in the past then it may already be formatted and
contain files. With erased or new flash memory that has been correctly
format ted, an 80 byte h idden s ystem f ile is p resent. A typic al displ ay for a n FFS
is shown in Figure 14.
Figure 14: Example output from the show file command for an AT-AR750S
A complete test of flash memory may also be carried out by authorised support
personnel using the router’s built-in diagnostics. See “Diagnostics” on page 60
for more information.
!Caution The diagnostics flash memory test erases the entire flash
total size ............ 16 MBytes
available to FFS ... 15 MBytes
available to boot .. 1 MBytes
device type ........... 28F128
devices ............... 1
location .............. built in
programming power ..... off
block erase time ...... 1000 milliseconds
total erase blocks .... 128
FFS erase blocks ... 120
Boot erase blocks .. 8
erase block size ...... 128 kBytes
erase bit state ....... 1
page buffers .......... 1
size of page buffer ... 32 bytes
Manager >
Filename Device Size Created Locks
55-271a.rez flash 3796816 11 Jan-2005 13:58:28 0
55-273.rez flash 3798416 11-Jun-2005 16:50:45 0
config.ins flash 32 13-Dec-2004 09:37:32 0
feature.lic flash 39 01-Dec-2004 09:45:51 0
isdn.scp flash 1575 09-Dec-2004 15:38:50 0
longname.lfn flash 17 23-Dec-2004 10:59:34 0
boot.cfg flash 2769 30-Nov-2004 11:36:03 0
ppp.cfg flash 2819 01-Dec-2004 10:14:28 0
prefer.ins flash 64 14-Dec-2004 16:25:47 0
random.rnd flash 3904 21-Dec-2004 12:14:24 0
release.lic flash 32 30-Nov-2004 11:26:54 0