Hardware Refe rence 35
C613-03087-00 Rev E
displayed changes the router start-up process as described in the following
During the start-up process the router generates four different types of
messages. All messages are preceded by one of the words INFO, PASS, FAIL,
or ERROR. The meaning of these words in the context of the messages is
shown in the following table.
The possible messages and their meanings are:
INFO: Self tests beginning.
The code loader tests are about to begin.
INFO: RAM test beginning.
The RAM tests are about to begin.
PASS: RAM test, 65536k bytes found.
The RAM test passed, and the indicated amount of memory was found
and will be used in the router.
ERROR: RAM test 5. Error address = 00345678.
A RAM test failed, at the given address. In the example, it was the fifth
test run. The RAM test repeats until it passes, so a number of messages
like this may appear. This fault means that the memory system is faulty.
If the fault continues, contact your distributor or reseller immediately.
INFO: BBR tests beginning.
The BBR tests are about to begin.
PASS: BBR test. Battery OK.
The BBR battery test passed.
Table 4: Router start-up sequence keystrokes
Pressing key... Forces the router to...
(no key pressed) After a few seconds, the router startup process continues.
[Y] Load the version, without any patches, from EPROM onto the RAM, and
run the full version. Go to step 6.
[S] Load and run the version and patch determined by the INSTALL
parameters from the flash file system, ignoring any boot script or any
previous configuration stored in NVS.
[N] Load from flash to RAM the version and patch determined by the INSTALL
parameters, and run using the current configuration stored in NVS (if
any), ignoring any boot script.
Table 5: Router start-up message classes
Message Meaning
INFO An informational message that an action has been taken by the system.
PASS An informational message that a test has been completed successfully.
ERROR An error message that a test has failed, but the system will continue to
FAIL An error message that a fatal error condition has caused the system to
halt in an unrecoverable fashion.
WARNING A serious error has occurred, which may indicate hardware failure.