Hardware Refe rence 33
C613-03087-00 Rev E
7. Save the current session by selecting Save from the File menu on the main
HyperTerminal window. This creates a connection icon with the name you
assigned in the HyperTerminal group.
To use the configuration, double-click the connection icon. When the
HyperTerminal window appears, press the Enter key several times; the
router’s login prompt is then displayed.
Router Start-up
At start-up, the manager can choose to run either the software version stored in
the flash boot block, or the software version in the flash file system specified by
the installation parameters previously set using the set install command.
All code is executed out of system RAM. At power-up the boot code is loaded
from the flash boot block to RAM. The boot code checks the installation
parameters then reloads RAM with the selected temporary, preferred, or default
install version (stored in the flash file system) and runs this code.
The version is uncompressed as it loads to RAM. This may take 10 to 30
seconds. At this point, any required patches are loaded from the flash file
system. Any patch is also uncompressed as it loads to RAM. This procedure
ensures that the code runs at maximum speed, and allows updates to be made
to the code. Updates can be downloaded over the network from a TFTP server
and stored in the flash file system until required at power-up.
To download software onto the router, see the Managing Configuration Files and
Software Versions chapter in the Software Reference.
All router softw are, patches, and c onfiguration settings are stored as files in
flash memory. Typically, the following files will be present in the flash file
The current installed software version. Additional software versions may
also be present.
The current installed patch, if any. Additional patches may also be present.
The command line help file for the command line interface (CLI). The
command help is stored in a separate text file, with extension .hlp. The
command help file is loaded with a software version.
The boot configuration script boot.cfg. The boot script contains standard
router commands (executed on start-up to configure the router).
Additional user-defined configuration scripts containing commands to
configure the router for different functions. These scripts are created using
the built-in editor, the add script command (in the Scripting chapter of the
Software Referen ce), or the create config command (in the Managing
Configuration Files and Software Versions of the Software Reference).
Other files required by the system.
Configuration information is stored in flash memory as configuration scripts.
These scripts contain standard router commands. When a configuration
command is entered at the command prompt from a terminal, terminal
emulation program, or Telnet session, the command alters the dynamic
configuration only; this is not saved over a power cycle. To ensure that
configuration changes resulting from such commands are retained across a