Chapter 10: Installing Management Applications
Installing Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 3 and Related Management Applications
The Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 3 (BACS 3) software and related
management applications can be installed from the source-file directory or
by using the silent install option. See the following:
“Checking .NET Framework Requirements” on page 135
“Using the Installer” on page 136
“Using the Silent Install Option” on page 136
After you use the source-file directory or the silent install option, the
following features are installed on your system:
Control Suite. Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 3 (BACS 3).
BASP. Installs Broadcom Advanced Server Program.
SNMP. Installs the Simple Network Management Protocol subagent.
CIM Provider. Installs the Common Information Model provider.
Ensure that the Broadcom network adapter(s) is physically installed
in the system before installing BACS 3.
Before installing Broadcom Advance Control Suite 3, verify that
.NET Framework 2.0, or above, is installed.
Before you begin the installation, close all applications, windows, or
dialog boxes.
To use the TCP/IP Offload Engine (TOE), you must have Windows
Server 2003 with Service Pack 2 (SP2).