Chapter 11

This chapter provides troubleshooting information. It discusses the
following topics:
“Checking Hardware Diagnostics” on page 144
“Checking Port LEDs” on page 145
“Consulting the Troubleshooting Checklist” on page 146
“Solving Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V Issues” on
page 149
“Solving Broadcom Boot Agent and Broadcom Advanced Server
Program (BASP) Issues” on page 152
“Solving Miscellaneous Issues” on page 154
Within the chapter there are several references to the Broadcom
Advanced Control Suite 3 User Guide. You can download this manual from
the Allied Telesis Website at www.alliedtelesis.com/support/software.
After you have accessed this website, enter the model number in the
Search by Product Name box and then click Find to view the current list
of documents.