which is used to authenticate another device. Choose either TKIP
or AES as the encryption mode in the Data encryption field. To use
a WPA Pre-Shared key, enter a password in the WPA Pre-shared
key field that is between 8 and 63 characters.
Data encryption: Indicates the data encryption method. The
encryption mode you select must match the encryption mode
used in the wireless LAN.
Choose from the following options:
- None: Indicates no data encryption takes place.
- WEP: Indicates the WEP encryption mode.
- TKIP: Indicates the TKIP encryption mode. See the WPA Settings
- AES: Indicates the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
encryption mode. See the WPA Settings below.
WEP Key Setting...: When implementing WEP security, this section
is used for WEP Key configuration.
Default: Indicates the number of security keys. You can create up
to 4 security keys.
Key Length: Indicates the length of the security key. Select 64bits,
128bits, or 256bits.
Hex or ASCII network key: Indicates the value of the security key.
Choose from the following values:
- Hex: Indicates hexadecimal value. Digits from 0 to 9 and the
letters A through F are accepted. This value must be 10 characters
in length.
- ASCII: Indicates the American Standard Code for Information
Interchange. This code represents English letters as numbers 0
through 127. This value must be 5 characters in length.
WPA Setting: When implementing WPA or WPA-PSK, use this
section to complete your configuration. You must configure the
appropriate settings.
EAP Type: Select an EAP Type from a drop down list of EAP types.
Choose between the following options:
TLS: Indicates the Transport Layer Security protocol.
Once you select TLS, click Configuration. The AT-
WCU200G Wireless Configuration utility searches your
computer for certificates. Select a certificate and click