Chapter 7: Misc.
7.2 Alarm Setting
To setup an alarm, you have to setup the time and alarm music properly. The following procedures illustrate a typical alarm setting operation. It sets Alarm 1 to generate alarm (play music) at 7:00 AM with Internet radio station “4U Classical Rock” as the source of the music.
| Instructions | Screenshot | Go to next | Notes | |
| screen |
| |
1. |
| “OK” button | Alarm Menu | |
2. |
| “ | ” button or | Set Alarm 1 |
| “OK” button |
| |
3. | “ ” button |
| “ | ” button or | Enable Alarm 1 |
| (1 time) |
| “OK” button |
| |
| |
4. |
| “OK” button | Use the 4 | |
| directional |
| buttons to set |
| the time |
5. |
| “ | ” button or | Set Internet |
| “OK” button | radio as alarm | |
| source. |
| |
6. |
| “OK” button | Select the | |
| specific station |
| or Favorites. |
| (section 4.1) |
Chapter 7: Misc.
| Instructions | Screenshot | Go to next | Notes |
| screen |
7. |
| “OK” button | Use the 4 |
| directional buttons |
| to set the volume |
8. |
| Final alarm |
| setting, lasting |
| for 3~5 seconds |
9. |
| The setting is |
| finished. |
After you set and enabled the alarm, you will see there is a bell icon on the clock screen.
When the alarm time is up, the device will activate the alarm opera- tion and playback the specified music. Like traditional clock alarm, AIRMM02F also provides the SNOOZE function for you to temporarily stop the alarm, and after 10 minutes, the alarm will start again. You can press the STOP button to terminate the alarm.
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