| Settings | 21
The Settings menu contains many options for adjusting the performance of your Kindle Fire HD as well as important
information about the device.
Menu Option Description
Help & Feedback Access the user guide; submit help requests to technical
support; send feedback about the device's features
My Account Register/deregister your device; manage linkages to
social media accounts; manage e-mail, contacts and
calendar settings
Applications Change how you are notified about app updates; view
a list of all installed apps; sync your Amazon content;
adjust the performance of Amazon-installed apps
Parental Controls Set restrictions for various device features
Sounds & Display Adjust the general volume level; choose notification
sounds; enable/disable the auto brightness adjustment
feature; adjust the general display brightness; set the
screen timeout length
Wireless Enable/disaple Airplane Mode; manage paired Bluetooth
devices; enable/disable Wi-Fi; view a list of available
Wi-Fi access points; connect to a Wi-Fi access point
Device View information about the device, storage usage and
remaining battery power; adjust the time and date;
enable/disable installation of apps from unknown
sources; remove all personal data from the device
Accessibility Enable/disable voice guidance, Explore by Touch and the
screen orientation lock
Location-based Services Enable/disable the device's ability to determine its
location using Wi-Fi
Language & Keyboard Change the device's language; change keyboard
functions; change the language of a paired Bluetooth
Security Enable/disable the screen lock password; install/remove
credential certificates; manage VPN connections; view or
deactive device administrators; enable/disable Android
Debug Bridge (ADB), which allows Amazon technical
support to debug the device over USB
Legal & Compliance View legal notices, terms of use, product safe-use guides
and privacy notices