5200 User’s Manual
Limited WarrantyAmPro Corporation warrants this pr od uc t to b e free f r om d ef ects in material and workmanship und er nor mal operation, subject to
the limitations provided below.
Warranty Period For the first twelve (12) months after dat e of ins t allation, but limited to a maximum of fif t een (1 5) m ont hs from date
of shipment from the fact ory, AmPro Corporation will repair or replace any d efective part, exclusive of l amp
warranty of ninety (90) days against f ailur e to start and a maximum fifty (50) hours of oper ation, without charge of
labor or parts. Replacement parts wi ll b e c over ed by this li mit ed warranty for the remainder of the warr an t y per i od.
This Limited Warranty applies on l y to par ts su pp li ed or designed by AmPro Corporati on.
Date Of Installation To establish the date of installation, Th e AmPro Certificate of Regis tration should be compl eted, signed and
returned to AmPro Corporat ion, postmarked no later th an thirty (30) days from dat e of installation. If the AmPr o
Certificate of Registration is not return ed wit hi n suc h time, AmPro Corporation will use the date th at th e pr oj ect or
was shipped from the factory as the date of inst al lation.
Original Purchaser This Limited Warranty is limited to the original purchaser (end-user) of this product from either A mPro Corporation
or an AmPro Corporation authorized dealer, distribu tor or agent.
Warranty Service For service under this Limited W arranty, this product must be presented to AmPro Corp oration, an authorized
AmPro Corporation servic e center or the authoriz ed AmPro Corporation sell ing dealer.
Shipping Prior to shipping this product or any sub-ass embly to AmPro Corporat ion, a Return Authorizati on Number (RA#)
must be obtained from the AmPro Cor p orat ion Customer Service Departm ent. T h e prod uc t mus t b e ship p ed in th e
manufacturer’s original shi ppi n g c ont ainer or other AmPro Corporation app r oved packaging. The purchaser mus t
prepay all freight and s hipping charges of this pr oduct to AmPro Corporation. D amage resulting from abus e in
shipment of this product is not covered by this Limit ed Warranty. AmPro Corpor ation approved shipping c ontainers
are available from AmPr o Corporation for a nomin al charge.
Damage This Limited Warranty does not cov er d amage or repairs that are necessary du e t o fl oods , wi nds , fir es, lighting,
accidents, corrosive atmosp h ere, exc essive exposure to water (moistur e) or heat, or any other conditions b eyon d
the control of AmPro Corp oration.
Serial Number
Defacement This Limited W arranty is void for this pr oduct if the serial number has been changed, removed or defaced.
Other This Limited Warrant y does not cover repairs that are necessary due t o:
Incorrect installation.
Voltage conditions, blown fuses, open circuit breakers or any oth er inad equacy or interruption of proper l y
grounded electrical ser vice.
Misapplication, abuse, improper servicing, or any other im pr oper operation, including mis-ad j us t m ents of an y
Defects in or caused by associated equipment.
Repair and/or modification of a sub-assembly performed b y oth er th an AmPr o Corporation factory personn el.
Usage not in accordance with product instruc tions
Failure to perform required preventative maintenanc e.
This warranty does not cover any items th at are in the following cat egories:
Software -refer to the S oftware manufacturer for war ranty
External devices (except as specif ic all y noted).
Accessories or parts added to the projector, after the proj ector is shipped from AmPro Corporat i on.
Accessories or parts that are not install ed at the f actory that are included on the product st and ar d pr ic e
list and purchased from A mPro Corporation or an auth orized AmPro dealer or AmP ro Service Center are
covered under this warranty.
!NOTICE-PC/ALICE Configuration T he ALICE projector operates with an internal PC. DO NOT make any changes to th e operating
system and the ALICE program, without pr i or au th orization from the factory. Failur e to c ompl y may result in warranty cancellation.
Should AmPro be required t o restore the projector b ack to its original configur ation, AmPro WILL charge f or labor and/or travel
(shipping to-from the factory) an d/ or m at er i als requ ired to do so.
!Normal Maintenance as outlined in the installation and se rvicing instructions of thi s User’s Manual will be the responsibility of the purchaser.
AmPro Corporation makes no warranty of any kind, express or implied, in connection with this product except as herein above provided. Implied
warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or arising from a course of dealing or usage of trade are specifically excluded.
Should this product prove to be defective in material or workmanship, the purchaser’s sole remedy shall be such repair or replacement as herein
above expressly provided and under no circumstances shall AmPro Corporation be liable for any loss, or damage, direct, incidental or
consequential, including loss, or loss of profits or business opportunities, resulting from dealer or distributor installation or services .
Some states do not allow the exclusion of inci dental or consequential damages , s o the ab ov e li mit at i on may not apply to you. This Limited
Warranty gives you specific legal ri ghts , and y ou m ay als o have other rights, which may var y, fr om st at e to state or country. NO other person
is authorized to assume for AmPro C orp or at i on an y ad ditional obligations beyond th os e pro vided herein.