RS-232C Interface Data
5200 User’s Manual
Character /
Commands to the projector are two general types. Character commands and Numeric
commands. Character commands in fact consist of two types. Some of them put the
projector into a particular adjustment mode. For example, sending a letter B puts the
projector into brightness adjustment mode. O nce in that mode, adjustments may be done i t
two ways. The character + (plus) and – (minus) respectively increase and decrease the
parameter. Alternatively, a numeric value can be assigned for the parameter by following the
mode character with an integer value, followed by a repetition of the mode character. For
example, the command B75B would set the brightness to 75% of maximum.
Other commands carry out a single action such as selecting a channel, deleting a channel,
etc. Some of these commands use a prefixed integer parameter, while others use following
integer parameters and/or text strings for channel names. For example, the command 12!
Would select channel 12 and I12 13 NYSC would copy channel 12 to channel 13 and give
the name NTSC to channel 13.
All numeric parameters are integers. A decimal point is neither needed nor recognized.
Channel names must consist of upper and/or lower case letters, the digits 0 through 9, the
under bar character “_” and blanks. Numeric parameters are ranged checked. For those
commands that us a percentage value of 0 to 100, values outside those limits are accepted
and limited to the range of 0 to 100. For commands that use absolute value parameters such
as Phase, values outside the allowed range are simply rejected. The acceptable range of
each parameter is indicated in the Character Command Tables.
Any non-digit character such as carriage return, comma, blank, tab, etc., terminates a
channel name. For this reason the command K12 would delete channel 12 but K 12 would
be rejected since a blank (non-numeric character) following the letter K would terminate the
search for the channel name parameter.
ASource Select: Use nA wher e n = 0(RGB1),
1(RGB2), 2(Video), 3(S-Video) , 4(I nt ernal) V Vertical: Use +/- or VnV, w here n = 0 - 1023
B Brightness: Use +/- or BnB, where n = 0 - 100 W Horizontal: Use +/- or WnW, wher e n = 24 - 527
C Color: Use +/- or CnC, wher e n = 0 - 100 X Future Use
D Detail: Use +/- or DnD, where n = 0 - 100 ! Chann el Select: !n, where n = d esired channel
E Phase: Use +/- or EnE, wher e n = 0 - 254 $Help
F Bottom Flagging: Use +/- or FnF, where n = 192
- 2047 ( Standby ON
G Top Flagging: Use +/- or GnG, where n = 0 -
127 ) Standby OFF
H Tint: Use +/- or HnH, where n = 0 - 100 [Power ON
I Channel C opy From, To, Name (opti onal) ]Power OFF
J Jitter: Use +/- or JnJ, where n = 0 - 7 | Future Us e
K Channel Delete: Enter Ch annel Name ^ Auto Search ON
L Channel Find _ Auto Search Off (und erscore)
M Channel Save As: Number, Name ( optional) { Lock Channel (write-protect)
N Pixels: Use +/- or NnN, wher e n = 64 - 2048,
must be even number } Unlock Ch annel
O Power (toggle) # Code Command: n# (s ee next table)
P Contrast: Use +/- or PnP, where n = 0 - 100 + I nc r eas e s el ected parameter level
Q Channel Lock (toggle) - Decrease selected parameter level
Command Table
S Standby (toggle)