5200 User’s Manual
101# Bit Sequence: Use 101#n, where n = 0 - 61 1
110# Border Red: Use 110#n, where n = 0 - 255
111# Border Green: Use 111#n, where n = 0 - 255
112# Border Blue: Use 112#n, where n = 0 -255
113# Black Level Red: Use 113# n , where n = 1 - 254
114# Black Level Green: Use 11 4#n, where n = 1 - 254
115# Black Level Blue: Use 115 #n, where n = 1 - 254
116# Gain Red: Use 116#, wher e n = 0 - 63
117# Gain Green: Use 117#n, where n = 0 - 63
118# Gain Blue: Use 118#n, wh ere n = 0 - 63
119# Gain Master: Use 119#n, where n = 0 - 63
130# Clamp Back Porch
131# Clamp Sync Tip
132# Field: Use 132#n, where n = 0 - 3 2
133# Odd/Even: Use 133#n, where n = 0 - 5 3
134# Filter Select: Use 134#n, where n = 0 - 2 4
135# Filter Frequency: Use 135 #n, where n = 8 - 40
136# Color Matrix: Use 136#n, where n = 0(disable), 1( enable)
137# Orientation: Use 137#n, where n = 0 - 3 5
138# Test Patterns: Use 138#n where n = 0 - 6 6
139# Reset lamp Hours
140# Presentation Mode (toggl e)
141# Faroudja Tint: Use 141#n, where n = 0 - 63
142# Faroudja Delay: Use 142#n, where n = 0 - 15
NumericCommand Table143# Source/Channel Query: Us e 143#, response is s ource text, channel #. 7
1Bit Sequence, parameter values 0 through 30 sel ect sequence number n with “run-once” set to 0. V alues 31
through 61 select sequenc e number n –31 with “run -once” set to 1.
2Field, parameters 0 throu gh 3 select the 4 possibl e combinations of the fr ame drop and filed jam. S elections
are;0 = none1 = frame drop2 = filed jam3 = fram e drop an d f i eld jam
3Odd/Even, parameter valu es 0 through 5 select the 6 possible combinations of odd/even sense and even
start line. The selections are;
0 = non-standard w/even s tart line = odd
1 = standard w/even start line = odd
2 = non-standard w/even s tart line = odd-1
3 = standard w/even start line = odd-1
4 = non-standard w/even s tart line = odd+1
5 = standard w/even start line = odd+1
4Filter Select, parameter n values ar e;0 = n on e1 = vid eo fi lt er2 = graphic filter
5Orientation, parameter n values ar e;
0 = front/floor
1 = front/ceiling
2 = rear/floor
3 = rear/ceiling
6Test Pattern; parameter n values are;
0 = off1 = flat field
2 = smooth gray
3 = large checkerboard
4 = grid
5 = gray bars
6 = small checkerboard
NOTES7Source/Channel query; this command answer back with the name of the curr ent source and the curr ent
channel number. Source names are RGB - 1, R GB -2 , Vi d eo, S-V id eo an d Internal.