Advanced Thermostat Operations
ENV-VST-C - Operation / Reference Guide
3. Use the navigation buttons to select Advanced Settings. Press Mode/Select to access the Security Code screen.
4. Enter the security code, and select Enter to access the User Preferences screen. See the Entering the Security Code
on page30 for more information.
5. Use the navigation buttons to highlight More, and press Mode/Select to access the second User Preferences screen.
6. Use the navigation buttons to highlight Button Lockout.
7. Press Mode/Select to access the Button Lockout screen.
8. Use the navigation buttons to highlight More, and press Mode/Select to access the second Button Lockout screen
9. Use the navigation buttons to select Mode Lock, and press Mode/Select to toggle the mode lockout setting between
Yes and No.
10. Use the navigation buttons to select Mode Lock Time, and press Mode/Select activate it.
11. Press Mode/Select multiple times until you reach the mode lock time value you want.
Advanced Setup Screen
The Advanced Setup screens (FIG.42) enable you to indicate the type of HVAC system you are using, activate
temperature sensors, and set the date for the thermostat. The thermostat automatically computes the day of the week
based on the date you input. These settings should be set when the thermostat is initially installed, and should not need to
be updated with regular use. You can use the navigation buttons to move through the highlighted options. The Mode/
Select button selects the highlighted item. You can then use the navigation buttons to change the setting of the
highlighted option.
Pressing Mode/Select again highlights the next available option. The following table lists the options on the Advanced
Setup screen:
FIG. 42 Advanced Setup screens
Advanced Setup Screen Options
HVAC System Enables you to set the type of HVAC you are using. The thermostat defaults to One Stg Furnace.
For a list of HVAC System types, refer to the Wiring the Thermostat on page 4 of the ViewStat Color
Communicating Thermostat Operation/Reference Guide.
Fossil Fuel Enables you to indicate the type of fossil fuel your HVAC system uses. You can choose from Electric
or Gas.
External Temp
Sensor Enables you to indicate whether the external sensor is located indoors or outdoors. If you activate
both this sensor and the Onboard Temperature sensor, the thermostat reports an average
temperature based on the temperature readings from each sensor. You can also turn off the
external sensor with this option.
Internal Temp
Sensor Enables you to indicate whether you want to turn on or turn off the onboard temperature sensor. If
you activate both this sensor and the External Temperature sensor, the thermostat reports an
average temperature based on the temperature readings from each sensor.
Humidity Sensor Enables you to indicate whether you want to turn on or turn off the onboard humidity sensor.
Month Enables you to set the current month. You can enter a value between 1-12.
Day Enables you to set the current day. You can enter a value between 1-31.