52 ENV-VST-C - Operation / Reference Guide
Color ViewStat Thermostat Commands
This section lists commands that are specific to the Color ViewStat Thermostat.

5-Day Forecast Commands

The 5-Day Forecast commands, FH, FL, and FK, give the 5-Day Forecast sent in three separate messages, one for each
of the following:
Expected high temperatures, FH
Expected low temperatures, FL
Expected weather conditions keywords, FK
The data always starts with the current day's information. Temperatures are be reported in the same scale as set on the
thermostat, in Fahrenheit or Celsius. The Weather Condition Keywords have been shortened to accommodate for the
AxLink 64 character message limit. The Weather Condition Keywords include the following:
WAKE Activates the display. Sets the display to active brightness.
ZAP! Restores the unit to its factory defaults, but does not change its AxLink address.
The Color ViewStat thermostat does not support string messages. A command message either
does not have a response, or another command responds to it, but it never receives a string
Weather Condition Keywords
BLZ for Blizzard HAZE SMOKE
BLSN for Blowing Snow HUMID SNOW
CLEAR ICE SNOWFL for Snow Flurries
CLDY for Cloudy MCLDY for Mostly Cloudy SNOWSW for Snow Showers
DRZL for Drizzle MSUN for Mostly Sunny SUN for Sunny
DUST PCLDY for Partly Cloudy TSTORM for Thunder Storms
FAIR RAIN UNK for Unknown
FOG RAINSW for Rain Showers VCOLD for Very Cold
FZDRZL for Freezing Drizzle RAINSN for Rain Snow Mix WINDY
FZRAIN for Freezing Rain SLEET
5-Day Forecast Commands
FH Forecasted 5-day high temperatures
FH <HT1> <HT2> <HT3> <HT4> <HT5>
HTx = The high temperature in degrees expected for day x, where x = 1 is the current day, 2 is the next day, etc.
SEND_COMMAND ’FH 78 82 85 84 85’
Five-day high temperatures.