16#L010185 June 2007
$ - Version Number Register
Format: $
Description: This command requests the indexer to return the version number.
! - Error Codes Register
Format: !
Description: This command requests the indexer to get the current error code and print
it to the screen.
+/- - Direction
Format: + or -
Description: This command sets the direction output. A “+” sets the output to clockwise, and a
“-” set the output to counterclockwise. This must be done when the indexer is not
busy. This value is saved in the EEProm for standalone use.
A - Acceleration/Deceleration
Format: A#_[value] - where # is the motion profile number 1 or 2
Sample: A1_10000 Accel of profile 1 equals 10000
Description: This command sets the acceleration profile which can be an integer value be-
tween 100 and 9,999,999. These values are saved in the EEProm for standalone
Range: 100 - 9,999,999
B - Base Speed
Format: B#_[value] - where # is the motion profile number 1 or 2
Sample: B2_500 Base Speed of profile 2 equals 500
Description: This command sets the base (start) speed for motion. This value must be set be-
fore motion begins and be less then the maximum speed. The pulses will ramp
down to this speed after a soft limit is triggered and run at this speed until a hard
limit is triggered or the index has finished. These values are saved in the EEProm
for standalone use.
Range: 1 - 5000