18#L010185 June 2007
S - Stop Soft
Format: S
Description: This command will cause the indexer to ramp down to base speed and run
until the index is complete or a hard limit is activated. It can only be used when the
unit is indexing.
T - Complete Time
Format: T#_[value] - where # is the motion profile number 1 or 2
Sample: T1_100 Complete Time of profile 1 equals 100
Description: This command sets the time for an active complete siganal after the unit has fin-
ished indexing for the motion profile. The number is enterd as milliseconds. This
value must be set before motion begins. These values are saved in the EEProm for
standalone use.
Range: 0 - 1000
V - Verify
Description: This command can be used with most commands to verify the register contents.
This is a read only command. Valid Commands are: A, B, C, D, M, R, and +.
Format: V[command]
This format is good for C, and +.
C - If a 1 is sent back then the driver is in reduced current mode. If a 0 is sent back
then the driver is not in reduced current mode.
+ - If a 1 is sent back then the direction is clockwise. If a 0 is sent back then the
direction is counterclockwise.
Sample: V+ Verification of Direction is prompted.
Format: V[command]# - where # is the speed profile number 1 thru 4
This format is good for A, B, and M.
A# - Verify Acceleration/Decceleration for given speed profile.
B# - Verify Base speed for given speed profile.
M# - Verify Max speed for given speed profile.
N# - Verify Index number for given speed profile.
T# - Verify Complete time for given speed profile
Sample: VB2 Verification of Base Speed in Profile 3 is prompted.