Frequency Coverage:
Model/Option No. | Frequency Coverage | Output Type |
MG3691A | 2 to 8.4 GHz | K(f) |
MG3692A | 2 to 20 GHz | K(f) |
MG3693A | 2 to 30 GHz | K(f) |
MG3694A | 2 to 40 GHz | K(f) |
MG3695A | 2 to 50 GHz | V(f) |
MG3696A | 2 to 65 GHz | V(f) |
Option 4 | 10 MHz to 2.2 GHz | Model No. Dependent |
Option 5 | 10 MHz to 2 GHz | Model No. Dependent |
Option 22 | 0.1 Hz to 10 MHz | Model No. Dependent |
Options 4 and 5: Frequency extension down to 10 MHz
Two options are available to extend the 2 GHz low end frequency limit of the base models down to 10 MHz. Option 4 uses a digital
It offers the best phase noise performance of the two choices, at the expense of some analog performance <500 MHz. In that range, analog sweep mode is not available, and pulse modulation performance is specified as typical. In addition, frequency and phase modulation mod index is scaled by the division ratio of each band of the DDC. Option 5 maintains all analog performance by using a heterodyne mixing
Option 22: Frequency extension down to DC
If frequency coverage down to 0.1 Hz is desired, Option 22 can be added with either Option 4 or 5. Option 22 uses Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) for CW and Step Sweep modes of operation. Modulation and analog sweep are not available in the DDS band. Frequency resolution <10 MHz is 0.02 Hz. Output power across the complete instrument frequency range is degraded by 2 dB.
CW Mode
Output: Twenty independent, presettable CW frequencies (F0 – F9 and M0
Accuracy: Same as internal or external 10 MHz time base.
Internal Time Base Stability:
With Aging: <2 x 10
With Temperature: <2 x 10
Resolution: 0.01 Hz
External 10 MHz Reference Input: Accepts external 10 MHz ±50 Hz (typical), 0 to +20 dBm time base signal. Automatically disconnects the internal
10 MHz Reference Output: 1
Switching Time (typical maximum): <40 ms to be within 1 kHz of final frequency.
Phase Offset: Adjustable in 0.1 degree steps.
Electronic Frequency Control (EFC) Input:
Phase-Locked Step Sweep Mode
Sweep Width: Independently selected, 0.01 Hz to full range. Every frequency step in sweep range is
Accuracy: Same as internal or external 10 MHz time base.
Resolution (Minimum Step Size): 0.01 Hz
Linear/Log Sweep:
In log sweep, step size logarithmically increases with frequency.
Number of Steps: Variable from 1 to 10,000
Step Size: 0.01 Hz to the full frequency range of the instrument. (If the step size does not divide into the selected frequency range, the last step is truncated.)
Dwell Time Per Step: Variable from 1 ms to 99 seconds
Fixed Rate Sweep: Allows the user to set the total time of the sweep, including lock time. Variable from 20 ms to 99 seconds.
Switching Time (typical maximum): <15 ms + 1 ms/GHz step size or <40 ms, whichever is less, to be within 1 kHz of final frequency.
Analog Sweep Mode (Option 6)
Sweep Width: Independently selected from 1 MHz to full frequency range. With Option 4, Digital Down Converter, Analog sweep is only available ≥ 500 MHz. Analog sweep is not available <10 MHz with Option 22.
Accuracy: The lesser of ± 30 MHz or (± 2 MHz + 0.25% of sweep width) for Sweep Speeds of ≤ 50 MHz/ms. (typical)
Sweep Time Range: 30 ms to 99 seconds
Alternate Sweep Mode
Sweeps alternately in step sweep between any two sweep ranges. Each sweep range may be associated with a power level.
Manual Sweep Mode
Provides stepped,
List Sweep Mode
Under GPIB control or via the front panel, up to 4 tables with 2000
Switching Time (typical maximum): <25 ms to be within 1 kHz of final frequency.
Programmable Frequency Agility
Under GPIB control, up to 3202
Switching Time (typical maximum): <25 ms to be within 1 kHz of final frequency.
Up to 20 independent, settable markers (F0 – F9 and M0 – M9).
Video Markers: +5V or
Intensity Markers: Produces an intensity dot on analog display traces, obtained by a momentary dwell in RF sweep, in analog sweeps of <1s.
Marker Accuracy: Same as sweep frequency accuracy.
Marker Resolution:
Analog Sweep: 1 MHz or Sweep Width/4096 which ever is greater.
Step Sweep: 0.01Hz.