Menu Function Options | Apollo 360 Map Display |
Airports (ARPTS)
Very High Frequency Omnirange (VORS)
Intersections (INTS)
User Created (USERS)
The “IDENTS ON MAPS” feature controls whether or not waypoint identifiers show on the moving map screens. With “NO” selected, small symbols represent locations of waypoints. Only the current To waypoint, and possibly route waypoints (see Map Setups) show on the moving map screens.
The destination waypoint identifier always shows on the moving map screens, regardless of this setting.
Track This option allows you to store a record of navigation Point progress in memory. The stored record consists of a series History of track points, each containing your position at the time the point was stored. You can choose whether or not to store track points, how often to store them, and manage the
storage process using this option.
P/N |