28 02.9800.0001
TexturesThe Mbox Extreme Environment includes the ability to apply
textures to the Backgrounds and/or 3D Objects. These Textures can
be derived from still images or video clips, which are stored in the
Mbox Extreme digital media library.
Digital media is located on the Mbox Extreme Media Servers
within file folders. These folders are referred to as "Libraries,"
while the actual media files are referred to as "Textures." In order
to provide access to these Textures using DMX512 control, both
the library folders and media files (textures) are named with a
DMX512 value (from 000 to 255). When accessing a Texture using
DMX512 control, you would first provide the library number, then the Texture number. (For more
information on the folder/file structure, see “Content Management” on page41.)
Applying a texture to a Background using DMX512 control:
Step 1. Using Background layer created in the previous section, set Library channel to a value
between 000-255 to specify the media folder.
Step 2. Set Texture channel to a value between 000-255 to specify the media file.
Effects The Mbox Extreme Media Server includes a set of pre-designed effect elements. Effects such as color,
tint and alpha adjustment can be applied to any Background or 3D Object.
Refer to “Texture Effects” on page62 and for a complete list of available effects.
Note: Effects override transitions. If any effects are active, then the transition will be limited to
dissolve (or snap, if effect is processor intensive).
Applying an effect to a Background using DMX512 control:
Step 1. Using Background layer created in the previous section, set Effect channel at a value
between 0-255.
Step 2. Use Effect control channels to modify how the effect is applied.
Transitions can be used to create video switcher style dissolves and wipes when performing timed
crossfades between still images or movies. Transitions between two Backgrounds or Object textures
can also be applied, along with an associated timing parameter. For example, it would be possible to
create a timed crossfade on a single Background layer.
Refer to “Transitions” on page63 for a complete list of available transitions.
Applying a transition using DMX512 control:
• Using Background layer created in the previous section, set Transition (XFade Type) channel at a
value between 0-255.
• Set XFade Timing value to 3 seconds.
Sample 3D Objects
with Flag Texture