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Content TypeImages and Video Clips
The Mbox Extreme Media Server supports Apple ® QuickTime® technology for rendering and
playback of images and video files. The following file types are supported:
• TIF - still image file
• TIFF - still image file
• TARGA - still image with alpha component
• JPEG - still image file
• JPG - still image file
• MOV - QuickTime movie file
• VID - QuickTime movie file from a video source
• JPG_M - QuickTime movie file containing a still image
• NULL - used to create a small zero-alpha black image. This image is useful when using
Note: File extensions are not case-sensitive. For example, files with extension .JPG and .jpg are the
Recommended Codecs
JPEG and TIFF file types are recommended for creating still image content for optimum output on the
Mbox Extreme Media Server. For movie content, PHOTO JPEG (medium quality) is the
recommended file type for optimum playback. If you have questions regarding media file types, please
contact the PRG Dallas office at 214.630.1963.
Note: The Mbox Extreme media server will play other QuickTime file types, but they may not load as
quickly or play as smoothly as the recommended file type. All custom content should be created in a
single common format. The PHOTO JPEG codec is strongly recommended.
3D Models (Objects)
Custom 3D models can be added to the Mbox Extreme Media Server. The Mbox Extreme Media
Server supports the Alias|Wav efront™ 3D .obj format. There are several third-party applications that
can export files to this format, including Maya®, Poser®, Bryce® and Cheetah3D to name a few.