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MiscellaneousEffects and Transitions
The following tables provide a complete list of effects and transitions. Where applicable, the user-
configurable parameters are defined.
Texture Effects
Table B-8: Texture Effects
Value Effect Description Control 1 Control 2
0 None No effect
1 Monochrome convert colors to grayscale amount
2 Sepia Tone convert colors to sepia tone image amount
3 Invert color invert
4 Color Reduce reduce color space amount
5 Bright/Contrast brightness and contrast controls brightness contrast
6 Saturation saturation control saturation
7 Hue hue adjustment hue
8 Gamma gamma adjustment gamma
9 Exposure exposure adjustment exposure
10 Solarize solarize effect amount
11 Black & White convert image to black and white threshold
12 Black Alpha dark areas transparent threshold
13 X-Ray inverted grayscale amount
14 Bloom soften edges, add glow radius intensity
15 Gloom dulls highlights radius intensity
16 Sharpen increases image detail by sharpening sharpness
17 Median reduce noise with median calculation
18 Color Switch RGB -> RBG/BGR/GBR/GRB m ode intensity
19 Varietal Lines spread single row over vertical space row
20 Color Shift dynamic color shift (sine function) range speed
21 Blur simple/quick image blur amount
22 Gaussian Blur more sophisticated / slow blur amount
23 Circular Screen circular shaped halftone screen width sharpness
24 Dot Screen dot patterned halftone screen width angle
25 Line Screen line patterned halftone screen width angle
26 Hatched Screen hatched patterned halftone screen width angle
27 CMYK Screen color, halftoned screen width angle
28 Tiles image tiling divisions
29 Circular Crop circular image crop with edge blur size edge