02.9800.0001 63
40 Wobble dynamic wobbling effect size speed
41 Bump Distortion bump distortion radius scale
42 Hole Hole distortion radius
43 Pinch pinch distortion radius scale
44 Torus torus distortion width
45 Twirl twirl distortion radius scale
46 Vortex vortex distortion radius angle
47 Lozenge lozenge distortion width
48 Edge Work Black & White conversion radius
49 Edge Detect edge detection with color intensity
50 Crystallize break up into crystal pattern radius
51 Pixelate pixelate image scale
52 Pointillize break image into points radius
53 Kaleidoscope geometric distortion angle
54 LED Wall break up into dots dot amount dot size
55 Cartoon cartoon effect line width color reduction
56 Wh ite Alpha white areas transparent threshold
57 Red Alpha red areas transparent threshold
58 Green Alpha green areas transparent threshold
59 Blue Alpha blue areas transparent threshold
60 White Only everything but white areas transparent threshold
61 Red Only everything but red areas transparent threshold
62 Green Only everything but green areas transparent threshold
63 Blue Only everything but blue areas transparent threshold
Table A-10: TransitionsValue Transition Description
0 Dissolve dissolve
1 Dissolve2 dissolve
2 Wipe Right slightly blended right to left wipe
3 Wipe Down slightly blended top to bottom wipe
4 Wipe Diagonal slightly blended diagonal wipe
5 Wash Right more blended right to left
6 Wash Down more blended top to bottom
7 Wash Diagonal more blended diagonal
8 White Right blended white stripe left to right
9 White Down blended white stripe top to bottom
Table A-9: Texture Effects (Continued)Value Effect Description Control 1 Control 2