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Control Channels* Special commands require that the DMX512 value be held for three seconds, followed by an immediate change to
DMX value 0 without any other values in between.
** When the control channel stays at this value for three seconds, the shutter controls are mapped to the SDI Configura-
tion for Shutter Control. The configuration values are stored by the Mbox Extreme application. Change the control
channel value to restore normal shutter functions. Video card gamma works in all full screen modes - not just SDI.
SDI Shutter ControlShutter ShapesTable A-2: Control Channels
Value Type
0-9 none
10-19 Version HUD
40-49 Lights/Camera/Shutter/Keystone HUD
50-59 Objects HUD
240 Rescan Media Library*
241 Enable SDI output controls**
250 Quit Application*
251 Shutdown Computer*
252 Restart Computer*
253 Restart Application*
Table A-3: SDI Configuration for Shutter Control
Shutter Control SDI Configuration
Shutter 1a Red Channel Gain
Shutter 1b Green Channel Gain
Shutter 2a Blue Channel Gain
Shutter 2b Black Level
Shutter 3a Video Card Gamma
Table A-4: Shutter Shapes
Value Shape Notes
0-9 Disabled
10-19 Moving Light
Separate controls for each end of shutter. If both controls are zero, shutter disappears.
20-29 Leko Mode Distance and angle controls. If distance is zero, shutter disappears.
30-39 Iris Mode A round Iris. Scale is magnified to enclose the screen. No other controls.
40-49 Blob Mode A Bezier curve is drawn touching the midpoints of the rectangle formed by Leko mode.