Apple ED-A101, ED-A111 manual Resolution, For some pictures, this function may not work well

Models: ED-A111 ED-A101

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INPUT menu

INPUT menu (continued)



The resolution for the COMPUTER IN1 and IN2 input signals can be set on this projector.

(1)In the INPUT menu select the RESOLUTION using the ▲/▼ buttons and press the ► button.

The RESOLUTION menu will be displayed.


(2)In the RESOLUTION menu, select the resolution you wish to display using the ▲/▼ buttons.

Selecting AUTO will set a resolution appropriate to the input signal.


Pressing the ► or ENTER button when selecting a STANDARD resolution will automatically adjust the horizontal and vertical positions, clock phase and horizontal size and automatically select an aspect ratio.


(3)-1 To set a custom resolution use the ▲/▼ buttons to select the CUSTOM and the CUSTOM RESOLUTION box will be displayed. Set the horizontal (HORZ) and vertical (VERT) resolutions using the ▲/▼ /◄/► buttons. It is not guaranteed to work this function properly on any resolutions.

(3)-2 To save the setting place the cursor on the right-most digit and press the ► button.

The horizontal and vertical positions, clock phase and horizontal size will be automatically adjusted.

(3)-3 To revert back to the previous resolution without saving changes place the cursor on the left-most digit and press the ◄ button. The screen will then return to the RESOLUTION menu displaying the previous resolution.



• For some pictures, this function may not work well.


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Apple ED-A101, ED-A111 manual Resolution, For some pictures, this function may not work well