Working with Application Servers and Java

With the built-in JBoss application server and full support for JSPs, Java Servlets and SOAP, Mac OS X Server provides a complete solution for hosting Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) applications. It also features powerful deployment tools that simplify configuration of application resources and EJB components. Mac OS X Server includes several Jave application server components, including:

ÂApache Tomcat

ÂJava virtual machine (J2SE)

ÂJBoss Server (EJB)



ÂApache Axis

For more information about Java and J2EE, visit java.sun.com/j2ee/overview.html.

Apache Tomcat

Mac OS X Server comes with Apache Tomcat, the open source servlet container developed by Sun Microsystems. Tomcat runs as part of the Java process.

To start Apache Tomcat:

$ /Library/Tomcat/bin./startup.sh start

Note: If you start Tomcat manually, it will not be reflected in the Server Admin application. Additionally, it will not be monitored by the launchd process.

Tomcat uses port 9006 by default. Tomcat comes with several example servlets. You can access these servlets at localhost:9006/examples/servlets/. The example servlets reside in /Library/Tomcat/webapps/examples/servlets/WEB-INF. To deploy your own servlets, place them in /Library/Tomcat/webapps/WEB-INF.

Tomcat’s configuration information is located in /Library/Tomcat/conf/. For more information about Tomcat, see jakarta.apache.org/tomcat.

JBoss Server

Mac OS X Server includes JBoss, an open source application server and Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) container. JBoss runs as part of the Java process.

Server Admin stores configuration information inside the conf folder that corresponds to the selected configuration option. For example, if you choose the default option (deploy-standalone), JBoss uses the configuration information located in /Library/ JBoss/3.2/server/deploy-standalone/.

Chapter 13 Working with Web Technologies

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Apple Mac OS X Server manual Working with Application Servers and Java, JBoss Server, To start Apache Tomcat