The following is an example of a queue array parameter block:

print:queuesArray:_array_id:my_printer:quotasEnforced = no

print:queuesArray:_array_id:my_printer:sharingList:_array_index:0:service = "LPR"

print:queuesArray:_array_id:my_printer:sharingList:_array_index:0:sharingEna ble = no

print:queuesArray:_array_id:my_printer:sharingList:_array_index:1:service = "SMB"

print:queuesArray:_array_id:my_printer:sharingList:_array_index:1:sharingEna ble = no

print:queuesArray:_array_id:my_printer:sharingList:_array_index:2:service = "AppleTalk"

print:queuesArray:_array_id:my_printer:sharingList:_array_index:2:sharingEna ble = no

print:queuesArray:_array_id:my_printer:shareable = yes

print:queuesArray:_array_id:my_printer:printerName = "Room 3 Printer"

print:queuesArray:_array_id:my_printer:printerURI = "pap://*/ Room%203%20Printer/LaserWriter"

print:queuesArray:_array_id:my_printer:registerRendezvous = yes

print:queuesArray:_array_id:my_printer:printerKind = "Lexmark_Optra_E310"

print:queuesArray:_array_id:my_printer:sharingName = "Room 3 Printer"

Note: In the example above, “my_printer” refers to the CUPS queue id.

Managing the Print Service

Use the serveradmin tool in conjunction with the following commands that interact with CUPS to modify and manage the print service.

Command (print:command=) Description


List information about the jobs waiting in a queue. The name


required for this command is the *sharing* name given to the


queue by the administrator as previously described. See “Listing


Jobs and Job Information” on page 167.




Finding the locations of the print service and job logs. See


“Viewing Print Service Log Files” on page 169.




List print service queues. See “Listing Queues” on page 167.




Hold or release a job. The name required for this command is the


*sharing* name given to the queue by the administrator as


previously described. See “Holding a Job” on page 168.




Pauses or release a queue. The queue name required for this


command is the *sharing* name given to the queue by the


administrator, not the original printer name or the CUPS queue


identifier. See “Pausing a Queue” on this page.




Equivalent to the standard serveradmin settings command,


but also returns a setting indicating whether the service needs to


be restarted. See “Using the serveradmin Tool” on page 48.



Chapter 10 Working with the Print Service

Page 166
Image 166
Apple Mac OS X Server manual Managing the Print Service, Following is an example of a queue array parameter block