Choose the next or previous
speech rotor item
VO–Command–Left Arrow or VO–Command–Right Arrow
Adjust speech rotor item VO–Command–Up Arrow or VO–Command–Down Arrow
Mute or unmute VoiceOver VO–S
Turn the screen curtain on or o VO–Shift-S
Turn on VoiceOver help VO–K
Return to the previous screen, or
turn o VoiceOver help
Quick NavTurn on Quick Nav to control VoiceOver using the arrow keys. Quick Nav is o by default.
Turn Quick Nav on or o Left Arrow–Right Arrow
Select the next or previous item Right Arrow or Left Arrow
Select the next or previous item
specied by the rotor setting
Up Arrow or Down Arrow
Select the rst or last item Control–Up Arrow or Control–Down Arrow
“Tap” an item Up Arrow–Down Arrow
Scroll up, down, left, or right Option–Up Arrow, Option–Down Arrow, Option–Left Arrow, or
Option–Right Arrow
Change the rotor Up Arrow–Left Arrow or Up Arrow–Right Arrow
Single-letter Quick Nav for the webWhen you view a web page with Quick Nav enabled, you can use the following keys on the keyboard to navigate the page quickly. Typing the key moves to the next item of the indicated type. Hold the Shift key as you type the letter to move to the previous item.
RText eld
CForm control
SStatic text
WARIA landmark
MElement of the same type
1Level 1 heading
2Level 2 heading
3Level 3 heading
4Level 4 heading
5Level 5 heading
6Level 6 heading
Chapter 24 Accessibility