Scientific Calculator Keys
Rotate iPod touch to landscape orientation to display the scientific calculator.
2nd Changes the trigonometric buttons (sin, cos, tan, sinh, cosh, and tanh) to their inverse
functions (sin-1, cos-1, tan-1, sinh-1, cosh-1, and tanh-1). It also changes ln to log2, and ex to
2x. Tap 2nd again to return the buttons to their original functions.
(Opens a parenthetical expression. Expressions can be nested.
)Closes a parenthetical expression.
%Calculates percentages, adds markups, and subtracts discounts. To calculate a
percentage, use it with the multiplication (x) key. For example, to calculate 8% of 500,
500 x 8 % =
which returns 40.
To add a markup or subtract a discount, use it with the plus (+) or minus (–) key. For
example, to compute the total cost of a $500 item with an 8% sales tax, enter
500 + 8 % =
which returns 540.
1/x Returns the reciprocal of a value in decimal format.
x2Squares a value.
x3Cubes a value.
yxTap between values to raise the first value to the power of the second value. For
example, to compute 34, enter
3 yx 4 =
which returns 81.
x! Calculates the factorial of a value.
√Calculates the square root of a value.
x√yUse between values to calculate the x root of y. For example to compute 4√81, enter
81 x√y 4 =
which returns 3.
108 Chapter 17 Calculator