Chapter 4 Music and Video 45
Controlling Song Playback

When you play a song, the Now Playing screen appears.

Track List
Pause a song Tap .
Resume playback Tap .
Raise or lower the volume Drag the volume slider or use the buttons on the
side of iPod touch.
Restart a song or a chapter in an audiobook
or podcast
Tap .
Skip to the next song or chapter in an
audiobook or podcast
Tap .
Go to the previous song or chapter in an
audiobook or podcast
Tap twice.
Rewind or fast-forward Touch and hold or . The longer you
hold the control, the faster the song rewinds or
Return to the iPod browse lists Tap . Or swipe to the right over the album
Return to the Now Playing screen Tap Now Playing.
Display a song’s lyrics Tap the album cover when playing a song. (Lyrics
appear only if you’ve added them to the song
using the song’s Info window in iTunes.)