4 Contents
81 Chapter 10: YouTube
81 Finding and Viewing Videos
82 Controlling Video Playback
83 Managing Videos
83 Getting More Information
84 Using YouTube Account Features
85 Changing the Browse Buttons
86 Chapter 11: Stocks
86 Viewing Stock Quotes
87 Getting More Information
88 Chapter 12: Maps
88 Finding and Viewing Locations
92 Bookmarking Locations
92 Getting Directions
94 Showing Trac Conditions
94 Finding and Contacting Businesses
96 Chapter 13: Weather
96 Viewing Weather Summaries
97 Getting More Weather Information
98 Chapter 14: Voice Memos
98 Recording Voice Memos
99 Listening to Voice Memos
99 Managing Voice Memos
100 Trimming Voice Memos
101 Sharing Voice Memos
101 Syncing Voice Memos
102 Chapter 15: Notes
102 Writing and Reading Notes
102 Searching Notes
103 Emailing Notes
103 Syncing Notes
104 Chapter 16: Clock
104 World Clocks
105 Alarms
105 Stopwatch
106 Timer