Chapter 1 Getting Started 11
If there’s not enough room on iPod touch for all the media you’ve specified, iTunes
asks if you want to create a special playlist. iTunes creates the playlist for you, and sets
it to sync with iPod touch.
Photos Pane
You can sync photos with iPhoto 4.0.3 or later, or Aperture on a Mac; or with Adobe
Photoshop Album 2.0 or later, or Adobe Photoshop Elements 3.0 or later on a PC.
You can also sync photos in any folder on your computer that contains images.
Info Pane
The Info pane lets you configure the sync settings for your contacts, calendars, email
accounts, and web browser.
You can sync contacts with applications such as Mac OS X Address Book, Yahoo!
Address Book, and Google Contacts on a Mac, or with Yahoo! Address Book, Google
Contacts, Windows Address Book (Outlook Express), Windows Vista Contacts,
or Microsoft Outlook 2003 or 2007 on a PC. (On a Mac, you can sync contacts with
multiple applications. On a PC, you can sync contacts with only one application
at a time.)
If you sync with Yahoo! Address Book, you only need to click Configure to enter your
new login information when you change your Yahoo! ID or password after you’ve
set up syncing.
You can sync calendars from applications such as iCal on a Mac, or from Microsoft
Outlook 2003 or 2007 on a PC. (On a Mac, you can sync calendars with multiple
applications. On a PC, you can sync calendars with only one application at a time.)
Mail Accounts
You can sync email account settings from Mail on a Mac, and from Microsoft
Outlook 2003 or 2007 or Outlook Express on a PC. Account settings are only
transferred from your computer to iPod touch. Changes you make to an email
account on iPod touch don’t affect the account on your computer.
Note: The password for your Yahoo! email account isn’t saved on your computer,
so it can’t be synced and must be entered on iPod touch. In Settings, choose “Mail,
Contacts, Calendars,” tap your Yahoo! account, and enter the password.
Web Browser
You can sync bookmarks from Safari on a Mac, or from Safari or Microsoft Internet
Explorer on a PC.
These options let you replace the information on iPod touch with the information
on your computer during the next sync.