Chapter 6 Mail 63
Checking and Reading Email
The Mail icon shows the total number of unread messages in all your inboxes. You may
have other unread messages in other mailboxes.
Number of unread
emails in your inboxes
Check for new messages: Choose a mailbox or tap at any time.
On each account screen, you can see the number of unread messages in each mailbox.
Number of unread
Tap to see all your
email accounts
Tap a mailbox to see its messages. Unread messages have a blue dot next to them.
Unread messages
When you open a mailbox, Mail loads the number of most recent messages specified
in your Mail settings, if the messages haven’t already been loaded automatically. (See
“Mail” on page 121.)
Load additional messages: Scroll to the bottom of the list of messages and tap “Load
More Messages.”
Read a message: Tap a mailbox, then tap a message. Within a message, tap or to
see the next or previous message.