Transferring Purchased Content to Another Computer

You can transfer content on iPod touch that was purchased using iTunes on one
computer to an iTunes library on another authorized computer. The computer must be
authorized to play content from your iTunes Store account. To authorize the computer,
open iTunes on the computer and choose Store > Authorize Computer.
Transfer purchased content: Connect iPod touch to the other computer. iTunes asks
if you want to transfer purchased content.

Converting Videos for iPod touch

You can add videos other than those purchased from the iTunes Store to iPod touch,
such as videos you create in iMovie on a Mac or videos you download from the
Internet and then add to iTunes.
If you try to add a video from iTunes to iPod touch and a message says the video can’t
play on iPod touch, you can convert the video.
Convert a video to work with iPod touch: Select the video in your iTunes library and
choose Advanced > “Create iPod or iPhone Version.” Then add the converted video
to iPod touch.
Music and Other Audio
The high-resolution Multi-Touch display makes listening to songs on iPod touch as
much a visual experience as a musical one. You can scroll through your playlists, or use
Cover Flow to browse through your album art.
You can listen to audio from the internal speaker (iPod touch second generation only),
headphones attached to the headphones port, or Bluetooth stereo headphones paired
wirelessly. When headphones are attached or paired, no sound comes out of the speaker.
WARNING: For important information about avoiding hearing loss, see the Important
Product Information Guide at

Playing Songs

Browse your collection: Tap Playlists, Artists, or Songs. Tap More to browse Albums,
Audiobooks, Compilations, Composers, Genres, or Podcasts.
Play a song: Tap the song.
Shake to shue: Shake iPod touch to turn shue on and immediately change songs.
Shake anytime to change to another song.
You can turn the “Shake to Shue” feature on or o in Settings > Music. It’s on by
default. See “Music” on page 118.
44 Chapter 4 Music and Video