Volume Buttons

When you’re listening to songs, movies, or other media, the buttons on the side of
iPod touch adjust the audio volume. Otherwise, the buttons control the volume for
alerts and other sound eects.
Note: Volume buttons aren’t included on the first-generation iPod touch.
WARNING: For important information about avoiding hearing loss, see the Important
Product Information Guide at www.apple.com/support/manuals/ipodtouch.
To adjust the volume, use the buttons on the side of iPod touch.
To set a volume limit for music and videos on iPod touch, see “Music” on page 118.
The controls on the iPod touch touchscreen change dynamically depending on the
task you’re performing.

Opening Applications

Open an application: Tap an icon.
Close an application and return to the Home screen: Press the Home button
below the display.
22 Chapter 2 Basics