Operating your AV9
For information display we recommend you use the OSD on your TV/screen whenever possible. However
all key information is also duplicated one line at a time on the front panel display of the AV9.

Using the controls

Switching on
Press the power button in. Between one and  ve seconds later, the power LED will then come on ( rst as
yellow), the front panel display window shows ‘ARCAM’, followed by ‘initialising’. This is followed by the
initial volume setting and the name of the input selected. After initialisation is complete, the power LED
changes colour to green.
Please wait until the unit has  nished initialising before operating the AV9. It is recommended that if the
unit is switched off, you should wait at least 10 seconds before switching the unit back on.
The AV9 has a standby mode which can be entered by pressing STANDBY on the remote control. When in
standby mode the display is blank and the power LED glows red.
When not being used, the AV9 may be left in standby mode, as power consumption is low. If you are not
using your AV9 for several days we recommend you switch the unit completely off at the front panel.
To switch on from standby
Press one of the source buttons on the front panel or on the remote control, or use the standby button
on the remote control.
Front panel display
The AV9 is ready for use after about four seconds. This display window shows the
processing mode and initial volume setting.
Output channels in digital processing modes are indicated in the format: ‘3/2.1’,
where ‘3’ refers to the front channels, ‘2’ to the rear channels, and ‘.1’ to the
subwoofer channel.
Selecting a source
To select a particular source, press the
corresponding button on the front panel or on the
remote control. There are nine inputs available:
DVD, Sat, AV, VCR, Phono/Aux, CD, Tuner, Tape
and DVD-A (multichannel).
On selecting a source, the AV9 will normally select
an active digital input in preference to an analogue
input. If you want to override the digital input and select the analogue input, press and hold the source
button for at least two seconds.
The processing mode and Stereo Direct functions are remembered and recalled for each input. The
digital input and high quality video input associated with each source may be customised in the setup
The DVD-A input is intended for direct analogue pass-through of DVD Audio or SACD surround sources.
Apart from volume control and level trim, no processing modes are possible on this input.
Tape operation
The AV9 has a fully independent tape loop. This can be con gured to record the source you are listening
to, or to record any other input using the Record to Tape option in ‘Main Menu Screen 2’.
Pressing the TAPE button will select audio from the tape input.
If the Record to Tape option is set to Source (its default setting), the tape LED will illuminate as well
as the previously selected input.
If the Record to Tape option is set to a speci c input, the tape LED will illuminate as well as the input
selected in the Record to Tape menu item.
This indicates the tape loop is active and displays the source that will be recorded.
For example, if Record to Tape is set to Source and you want to record the CD input:
< Select the CD input then put your recorder into record pause so that it will monitor its input.
< Press the TAPE button – you can now listen to the sound actually being recorded by your tape
deck from the CD player.
< If you select a different source from CD, the recording will change to this source.
If you want to record from CD while listening to the Tuner input:
< Call up the ‘Main Menu Screen 2’ and set Record to Tape to CD.
< Put your recorder into record pause so that it monitors its input then press the TAPE button.
You can now start the recording and listen to the sound actually being recorded by your tape
deck from the CD player.
< Once the recording is running press the TUNER button to listen to the Tuner, the recording of the
CD will continue.
< You can check the progress of the recording at any time by pressing the TAPE button again.
Vol: +8 An. PLII
3/2/1 3 2 Yes Full 5.1 sound
3/2/0 3 2 No 5-channel sound, no LFE
3/0/0 3 No No 3-channel sound, no LFE
2/0/0 2 No No Stereo (Dolby digital or DTS encoded)