
Worldwide Guarantee

This entitles you to have the unit repaired free of charge, during the rst two years after purchase, at
any authorised Arcam distributor provided that it was originally purchased from an authorised Arcam
dealer or distributor. This period can be extended to ve years if the completed registration card is
returned to Arcam. Arcam can take no responsibility for defects arising from accident, misuse, abuse,
wear and tear, neglect or through unauthorised adjustment and/or repair, neither can they accept
responsibility for damage or loss occurring during transit to or from the person claiming under the
The warranty covers parts and labour costs for two years from the purchase date (ve years upon
registration). After this time you must pay for both parts and labour costs. The warranty does not
cover transportation costs at any time.

Claims under guarantee

This equipment should be packed in the original packing and returned to the dealer from whom it was
purchased, or failing this, directly to the Arcam distributor in the country of residence. It should be
sent ‘carriage prepaid’ by a reputable carrier — NOT by post. No responsibility can be accepted for the
unit whilst in transit to the dealer or distributor and customers are therefore advised to insure the unit
against loss or damage whilst in transit.
For further details contact Arcam at:
Arcam Customer Support Department,
Pembroke Avenue,
If you have a problem, always contact your dealer in the rst instance. If your dealer is unable to answer
any query regarding this or any other Arcam product please contact Arcam Customer Support and we
will do our best to help you.

On line registration

You can register your Arcam product on line at: www.arcam.co.uk