These pinouts describe the signal connections between the AV9 and your display device input.
SCART RGB cable with audio back to processor
Pin Signal Connector type Connector Pin Cable Type Label
1 Audio output B (right)
from TV Tuner
RCA Phono (1) Centre Coaxial cable (1) Audio out R
2 Audio input B (right) Not connected
3 Audio output A (left)
from TV Tuner
RCA Phono (2) Centre Coaxial cable (2) Audio out L
4 Ground (audio) RCA Phono
(1 and 2)
Sleeve Coaxial cable
(1 and 2)
5 Ground (blue) RCA Phono (3) Sleeve Coaxial cable (3)
6 Audio input A (left) Not connected
7 Blue input RCA Phono (3) Centre Coaxial cable (3) Blue
8 RGB/composite SCART
input select (CVBS
Stereo Mini Jack 3.5mm Ring Screened twin cable Trigger RGB
9 Ground (green) RCA Phono (4) Sleeve Coaxial cable (4)
10 Comms data 2 Not connected
11 Green input RCA Phono (4) Centre Coaxial cable (4) Green
12 Comms data 1 Not connected
13 Ground (red) RCA Phono (5) Sleeve Coaxial cable (5)
14 Ground (comms) Not connected
15 Red input RCA Phono (5) Centre Coaxial cable (5) Red
16 RGB mode select Stereo Mini Jack 3.5mm Tip Screened twin cable
17 Ground (video input &
RCA Phono (6 and 7) Sleeve Coaxial cable
(6 and 7)
18 Ground (RGB switching
Stereo Mini Jack 3.5mm Sleeve Screened cable
19 Video output
RCA Phono (6) Centre Coaxial cable (6) Comp out
20 Video input (composite) RCA Phono (7) Centre Coaxial cable (7) RGB sync
(Comp in)
21 Common ground (shield) SCART Sleeve Overall Cable Screen
SCART S-video cable with audio back to processor
Pin Signal Connector Type Connector Pin Cable Type Label
1Audio output B (right)
from TV Tuner
RCA Phono (1) Centre Coaxial cable (1) Audio out R
2Not connected
3Audio output A (left)
from TV Tuner
RCA Phono (2) Centre Coaxial cable (2) Audio out L
4Ground (audio) RCA Phono (1 and 2) Screen Coaxial cable
(1 and 2)
5Not connected
6Not connected
7Not connected
8CVBS (AV control) Stereo Mini Jack 3.5mm Ring Screened cable Trigger S-video
9Not connected
10 Not connected
11 Not connected
12 Not connected
13 Ground (chroma) S-video Mini DIN Pin 2 Coaxial cable (3)
14 Not connected
15 Chroma input S-video Mini DIN Pin 4 Coaxial cable (3)
16 Not connected
17 Ground (video input &
S-video Mini DIN Pin 1 Coaxial cable (4)
18 Ground (S-video SCART
input select)
Stereo Mini Jack 3.5mm Sleeve Screened twin cable
19 Not connected
20 Video input (luma) S-video Mini DIN Pin 3 Coaxial cable (4)
21 Common ground (shield) SCART Overall Cable Screen