< When playing JPEg les and music
simultaneously, the playback controls aect
the JPEg le playback only.
< To control the music les:
1. Press the stop button # to stop the
JPEg slideshow and display the Play
2. Use the '/, cursor keys on the
remote control to highlight “now
Playing” and press O. The playback
controls nowaffect music playback.
advanced playback controls
e following advanced controls are available during
disc or le playback (depending on media type):
Slow playback
Press SHIFT followed by & to activate slow motion
playback. Press this button combination again to
change the playback speed. Speeds of 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8 are
Time interval
When viewing JPEg picture slideshows, the time
interval between pictures can be changed between 5, 10,
15 and 30 seconds. Press SHIFT followed by & to switch
between dierent time intervals
Rapid Playback
Press ) or ( during playback to activate rapid
reverse or forward playback. Further button presses
change the playback speed. Speeds of 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x,
32x, 64x and 128x normal speed are available. Press $
to resume normal playback.
displaying File information
Press the STaTuS button to display the le information
panel. e le information panel shows the following
File : 2 / 3 .. Love. Actually.DVD Div...
0 : 01 : 59 1 : 04 : 56 Off Off Pla y
File type
Current le/total le number
Title Repeat playback mode
Elapsed time Progress bar
Total playing time
of current le
playback mode
Press status again to hide the le information panel.
note that the le information panel is always shown
when playing music les.
Slideshow eects
When viewing a JPEg picture slideshow, press the U
button to display the Slideshow Menu:
Slide S ho w E ffe cts
Slide S ho w De lay
5 sec( s)
Use the '/, cursor keys on the remote control to
highlight a menu item and press > to select it.
< Slide Show Eects: Use the '/, cursor keys
to select one of the following eects:
<Horizontal Scroll
Press O to conrm the selection.
< Slide Show Delay: Use the '/, cursor keys
to select the delay time between pictures:
<5 seconds
<2 seconds
<1 second
<10 seconds
<15 seconds
 <30 seconds
Press O to conrm the selection.
Playing music whilst viewing
During the playback of music les,
press the O button to display the
Play menu. Use the '/, cursor keys on the remote
control to highlight “Browse Pictures” and press O.
Select pictures and play them as described in “The Play
menu” on page E-18. The JPEg pictures will be displayed
whilst the music continues to play.