Using Phone Set Interface
Step 1: Take the handset off the phone
Step 2: Dial the PROG Access Code after hearing the dial tone (default is ##)
Step 3: Enter the Password (default is 0000)
Step 4: Enter code "02".
Step 5: Enter the IP address as "203","*","79","*","238","*","144" and "#" as the ending
prompt. You will then hear the confirmation tone.
Step 6: Enter code "03" to begin the subnet mask configuration.
Step 7: Enter the subnet mask as "255", "*", "255", "*", "255", "*", "128" and "#" as
the ending prompt. You will then hear the confirmation tone.
Step 8: Enter code "04" to begin configuring the IP address for the default gateway.
Step 9: Enter the IP address of the default gateway as "203", "*", "79", "*", "238", "*",
"186" and "#" as the ending prompt. You will then hear the confirmation tone.
System must now be restarted
Step 10: Enter code "98" then press "1" and "#" as the ending prompt. You will then hear the
confirmation tone, and the system will restart automatically.
Place the handset on the phone to end your configuration session.
Using System Console Interface
Step 1: Enter Privileged Mode
Password: ******
Step 2: Enter Configuration Mode
PBX GATEWAY#configure
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CTRL/Z