group_id Sets the group ID
master_ip Sets the master's IP address
internal_ac Sets the internal access code for inter-gateway calls
intn_code Sets the international access code for in-bound analysis
local_pstn_ac Sets the local PSTN trunk access code (if it exists)
long_distance Sets the long distance access code for in-bound analysis
office_excp Sets the long distance access code for in-bound analysis
oper_code Sets the code to reach the operator of the PBX system
pend-restart Perform warm start while system is idle
pin Sets or deletes a pin code
ping Checks the IP configuration or network connections
prefix Sets the device’s prefix number
probe-hook Enable cadence probe state
probe-remove Disable cadence probe state
prog_ac Sets the device’s phone set program mode access code
region_id Sets the region/ID information for the proper ringing pattern,
cadence and other regional related profiles
rtp_base Sets the RTP base port number
retransmit Sets the call retransmit count
service_port Sets the Service port for Telnet or Web
show ac_summary Shows a summary of the access code configurations
show call_route Shows the device’s routing table
show channel Shows the channel summary
show date Shows the date
show ethernet Shows Ethernet information
show flash Shows the flash time settings
show history Shows the previous commands that were issued
show ip Shows the IP settings
show line Shows the console settings
show location Shows the location information
show pin Show all pin codes for transit calls
show routing-config Shows the device’s current operating routing mode
show running-config Shows the current running configuration
show service_port Shows the service port for Telnet or Web
show slave Shows the slave device (if the device is set to master)
show tftp Shows the TFTP server’s IP address
show time Shows the current time
show version Shows the firmware version
slave Sets or deletes a slave device
t38_fax To add/del channels to support the T.38 Fax function
tcwarn_time Sets the transit call warning time
transit_ac Sets the transit access code
transit_call Enables or disables the device’s transit call
udp_port Sets the UDP port number
vad Enable or disable the voice activity detection