Category Entry Console Mode Console Command
Address Configuration tftp server <ip-address |
domain name>
Configuration tftp filename <filename>
TFTP Server
Privileged Two commands (If the TFTP server IP
address and filename have already
been assigned):
copy tftp :///
Or specify the address and file name
at the same time:
copy tftp ://<ip-address>/
If the TFTP server IP address and
filename have been assigned:
If the TFTP servers IP has not been
assigned You may specify the
address and file name
Comands Purpose
area Sets the device’s area code
auto_attn Sets the auto attendant status
call_route Sets or deletes an entry in the routing table
cdr Enables or disables the CDR log
code Enters the access code configuration mode
country Sets the device’s country code
cut_through Sets the access code to skip the greeting message on this
dbflush Immediately saves the current configuration onto non-volatile
memory. It is recommended that you issue this command
after entering configuration changes. The system will
automatically execute this command if it has detected no
input within a certain time frame.
delete nvram Resets the configuration to the default value. Also known as
a Factory Reset.
delete nvram
dial_code Sets the access number for out-bound analysis
exit Exits the current mode and returns to a higher level
end Returns to Privileged mode
extension_len Sets the number of digits for the PBX extension
fax Sets the T.38 Fax relay configuration
gid_tmr Timer to erase the group id when system shuts down
greet_mode Sets the device’s greeting mode