ASRock Interactive UEFI
ASRock Interactive UEFI is a blend of system configuration tools, cool sound effects and stunning visuals. The unprec- edented UEFI provides a more attractive interface and brings a lot more amusing.
ASRock Fast Boot
With ASRock’s exclusive Fast Boot technology, it takes less than 1.5 seconds to logon to Windows® 8 from a cold boot. No more waiting! The speedy boot will completely change your user experience and behavior.
ASRock X-Boost
Brilliantly designed for combo overclocking, ASRock
ASRock Restart to UEFI
Windows® 8 brings the ultimate boot up experience. The light- ning boot up speed makes it hard to access the UEFI setup. AS- Rock Restart to UEFI technology is designed for those requiring frequent UEFI access. It is included in ASRock’s exclusive all-
Lucid Virtu Universal MVP
VIRTU Universal MVP includes the base features of Virtu Universal technology, which virtualizes integrated GPU and discrete GPU for best of breed functionality. It also features Vir- tual Vsync™ for
ASRock FM2A85X Extreme6 Motherboard