5.2.2 Dri vers menu

The drivers menu shows the available device drivers if the system detects installed devices. Install the necessary drivers to activate the devices.

Nvi di a Chi pset Dri ver Program

Installs the NVIDIA® Chipset drivers for the NVIDIA® nForce™ 4 SLI chipset.

Make NVI DI A RAI D Dri ver Di sk

Creates the NVIDIA® driver disk for Serial ATA and RAID features.

Marvell Yukon Gi gabi t Ethernet Dri ver

Installs the Marvell® Yukon Gigabit Ethernet driver.

Real tek ALC850 Dri ver

Installs the Realtek® ALC850 audio controller and application.

Sili con I mage RAI D Dri ver

Displays the README file of the Silicon Image SATA Link™ Sil 3114 driver driver installation.

Make Sili con SATA RAI D Dri ver Di sk

Creates the Silicon Image SATA Link™ Sil 3114 driver disk for Serial ATA RAID.


Chapter 5: Software support