ASUS AI Booster

The ASUS AI Booster application allows you to overclock the CPU speed in a Windows® environment.

ASUS AI Sel ector

The ASUS AI Selector utility allows you to set the video card mode of your system.

Mi crosoft Di rectX

Installs the Microsoft® DirectX 9.0 driver. The Microsoft DirectX® 9.0 is a multimedia technology that enhances computer graphics and sound. DirectX® improves the multimedia features of you computer so you can enjoy watching TV and movies, capturing videos, or playing games in your computer. Visit the Microsoft website ( for updates.

Anti-vi rus Utili ty

The anti-virus application detects and protects your computer from viruses that destroys data.

ADOBE Acrobat Reader

Installs the Adobe® Acrobat® Reader that allows you to open, view, and print documents in Portable Document Format (PDF).

Wi nbond Voi ce Edi tor

This program is for recording and customizing wave files for the ASUS POST Reporter™. Use this program to change the default vocal POST messages. See section “3.2 Vocal POST Messages” for a list of the default messages.

ASUS Screen Saver

Bring life to your computer screen by installing the ASUS screen saver.

ASUS AMD Cool ʻnʼ Qui et Software

Installs the AMD® Cool ʻnʼ Quiet! software.


Chapter 5: Software support